Creative workshops

Community Arts

       Workshops for Children

  • Encourage creative thinking 
  • A chance to express yourself, have fun, make friends
  • Uses readily available materials
  • Learn to see recycled, ordinary or natural materials with a creative vision 
  • Can try something new and feel proud of what is made
  • Encourages recycling

 Workshops for Adults

I aim to provide relaxing workshops that everyone can join in with regardless of their level of experience with art. I use materials and techniques as well as looking at images from famous artist to provoke inspiration in the sessions.

I currently work in assisted housing, at Pallant House gallery and as part of the community group, StarlingArts. We provide free creative sessions aiming to reduce isolation in older people. 

About me

I believe creativity should be available to all and can benefit everyone! 

I trained in fine art, illustration and art therapy and have over twenty five years experience working creatively with children, adult carers and older people.

I have completed training through Arts4Dementia, safeguarding trainings and have a DBS and insurance


I'm currently running free workshops in the community for older people with the aim of increasing wellbeing, learning new skills  and reducing loneliness.

Workshops are funded by TNL Community Fund, The Barchester Foundation,

The Paley Trust and the Chalk Hill Trust.

To see examples of children's work and work done by older adults in StarlingArts sessions  click to see Make It Club or starling_arts23


My child is a long time member & big fan of Make It club. Louise is kind, patient & comes up with great creative ideas for them to pursue. Perhaps even more importantly she provides a space for them to be creative in a totally non-prescriptive, non-judgemental way, something which is rare & incredibly valuable. Z.S. (parent of Yr 5)

Make it club has been our daughter’s favourite after school activity for years, it was top of her list of things to look forward to once clubs could be resumed after Covid restrictions. She always comes out buzzing with excitement and creativity. Louise has such creative ideas and gives the children space to be themselves and come up with their own wonderful creations. Highly recommend it to everyone  K.V. (parent of yr 5)

We first discovered Make it club when my eldest daughter was in year 3. From the first day she absolutely loved it. She made so many beautiful and interesting creations at Make it, using a wide variety of textures and materials. The kids seemed very free to open their imaginations and pursue their ideas. 


At the end of the club the kids always seemed really calm and happy and would take ages to come out, a testimony to how much they enjoyed it!

Since the club restarted during the pandemic my youngest has now joined (she is yr 3 and the eldest is now in year 5). She loves it just as much as her big sister.  Make it club has been one of their favourite after school clubs and we will continue to attend as long as we can! S.T. (parent of yr 3 and yr 5)

Both my daughter and son have really enjoyed Make It club. They love the wide variety of craft activities each week and never want to leave when I collect them from the club. We'd highly recommend it! KW (parent of yr 3 and 4)

My daughter has been going to Make It for two years and she loves it. She would go every day if that was an option! She is so absorbed at the end of sessions that it's hard to drag her away. Louise's projects are different from the standard creative activities that we see at other places so my daughter is always excited about what is coming up.  She really appreciates the freedom that Louise gives her to follow her own ideas as well as being given more structured things to do. She is always happy and calm after Make It club, which I think is due to the relaxed atmosphere Louise creates. C.T., parent of A, age 9, year 5

My sons Charlie (Year 6) and Jamie (Year 4) have absolutely loved going to Make It Club with Louise. They always come out bursting with enthusiasm and they get to try activities that we wouldn’t do at home (including a very successful slime lesson!). Both boys have got a great deal out of the sessions, and have enjoyed being creative with their peers in a relaxed environment that encourages them to explore.  R.C., parent.

  © Copyright Louise Dennis.